Windows VPS Server is becoming more popular due to the familiarity of the Microsoft Product from the users. You can have the flexible and power of the server with the comfort and easy to use of the server management panel. When it comes to choosing a hosting provider, it can be difficult to know where to start. As a Windows VPS that allows you to have full control over the server setting and operating system without issue because of the VPS provide the rooted access. A VPS can be set up in a matter of minutes. If you have necessary expertise, you can install your server entirely by yourself.
Basic Information
What is Virtual Private Server
Virtual Private Server is a concept that mix between the dedicated server and shared server that can leverage the power of virtualization software to segmentation of the physical servers into various virtual server. Although that it is mixed between dedicated server and shared server, but the one of the different is that segmenting the server resource from single dedicated server into multiple of the virtual server and with isolated resources that makes the current server do not share their server resources to the other server while the shared hosting does not isolated resources.
VPS is less expensive than dedicated server and more server secure, efficient and reliable than shared server. The users has permission to access the root to the server with VPS that make them able to customized their server.
What is Windows VPS Server
Windows VPS is Graphical User Interface Based that provides more guidelines for managing the server. With the user-friendly of user interface, the server manager can easily to manage the server status like backup data, server configuration and more. The server manager does suffer from memorizing a lot of syntax of command line but sometime it need some little syntax of command line. With Windows VPS, it just need the user to interact with the Graphic User Interface and a least command line syntax and it was compatible with MySQL, ASP.NET, MS Access and Visual Basic Development for the developers who often use these tools will benefits it.
Cost of Virtual Private Server
One of the common question that server host owner are always ask about the VPS hosting is how much it will cost in the short term or long term, it is depends on the package of the VPS hosting service that you choose and whether you are chosen to manage the VPS. Most of the cases, the VPS will cheaper than dedicated server hosting and more expansive than shared hosting but the shared are less power than VPS.
As from time to time, the server will require more power due to the increase of your visitors for your servers and the old service plan will not be enough to fulfill your server need. As this will require more resources and the cost will increase.
Hardware Component That Can Affect the Windows VPS
There are some hardware components that will affect the Windows VPS is the CPU and RAM. The Windows VPS that mostly relies on CPU and RAM is because the server needs to compute and calculate to process the server and store the temporary datas into RAM. The component that can affect the transfer speed limit. There are some consideration of buying a server hosting plan. You must to consider how much CPU and RAM is required for your server business and plan carefully for the server provider plan. This is because the VPS cannot scale the resources easily if you server was reaches the limit of the resources.