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Configure Exchange in POP

Last modified: July 2, 2022
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How to set up the exchange to link to the mailbox via POP3 in POP Microsoft Outlook Express?

You can configure exchange in POP by following these few steps:

1. Firstly, begin on Outlook Express. Pick Tools > Accounts from the menu on the top.

2. Now click Add button and pick Mail.

3. For the Display Name: Type your mailbox show name and click Next.

4. For the E-mail address: Type your e-mail address @ and click Next.

5. Then, select My incoming server is a POP3 server from the drop-down box. Fill in mail server data:

  • Incoming mail server
  • Outgoing mail server
  • Click Next

6. Next, complete login information:

  • Account name: Type your login @
  • Password: Type your mailbox password.
  • Click Next, then click Finish.

7. Select a mail account named exchange.automanage.net and click Properties button.

8. Then, change to the tab of the Servers.

— In the Outgoing Mail Server check My server requires authentication.

9. Lastly, switch to the Advanced tab.

— In the Server Port Numbers check both. This server requires a secure connection (SSL)

— Click OK.

Note: Please use Outgoing SMT port 26 or 587

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