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Disable Automatic Updates on Server 2016

Last modified: July 2, 2022
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How to disable automatic updates on Server 2016.

The procedure for Microsoft product updates is well known. In other words, they have the ability to periodically receive updates and install them. Additionally, desktop PCs benefit greatly from this mechanism. Users should refrain from conducting manual searches for updates. However, as some of these upgrades can necessitate a system reboot in a server context, this could have unfavourable functional effects. Furthermore, as many services, processes, and directories depend on server activity, restarting the server is essential. Therefore, if you do not want the server to reboot in this manner, it is best for you to stop automatic updates.

We’ll examine how to stop automatic updates in Windows Server 2016 in this post. Simply carry out the subsequent instructions now:

Step 1 of 4
Firstly, open an elevated command prompt window or PowerShell session.

Step 2 of 4
After that, type sconfig and press enter.

Step 3 of 4
Next, select option 5.

Step 4 of 4
Now select one of the options:

  • A” for automatically download and install updates
  • D” for download only
  • M” for Manual updates.
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