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4 Reason Why We Choose Linux Virtual Private Server

Linux Virtual Private Server

If you are decided to buy a brand-new Linux virtual private server for your project. Perhaps you are running a startup that gaining step and making necessary to boost you website’s capabilities.

Lightweight of Linux Virtual Private Server

The Linux Virtual Private Server hosting used less system resources than the other types of the Operating Systems. It is require less disc space, RAM and even power to run.

This usually results in a lower price for you and do not require to purchase some expensive
hosting plan. As we compare with Windows VPS, the Linux Operating System are only require less hardware resources than the Windows Operating System that the Windows will need more disk space, RAM and powers to run the operating system for the Graphical User Interface Based. 


The Linux is open-source license and it means the operating system is free to use in any purpose and it is royalty free. There are no licensing fees or purchases to make in order to download the operating system. It is no need for a credit card or registration to download the Linux distribution of your choosing.

This makes installing Linux on your VPS much easier and less expensive than installing a proprietary operating system. Since it was a completely open-source operating system, thousands of people all over the world are constantly optimizing its core code and functionality. As a result, Linux is one of the most advanced and powerful operating system available. It is because Linux is an open-source operating system, there are often more customization choices and software packages accessible.

Technical Support

When you buy a Linux dedicated server, you are not only getting an outstanding hardware setup but you are also getting access to staff of highly-trained experts. This is particularly true if you choose for a fully managed VPS service. In this situation, you will have access to an entire team of Linux experts who can assist you in troubleshooting any of the technical issue.


Unlike shared hosting, the dedicated server is truly deserve your trust. They are reliable because all of the features and infrastructure are setup according to your specific requirements. While using Linux Virtual Private Server, it is also means that you are totally liable for any downtime caused by server troubles.

This is why a fully managed Linux VPS from your hosting provider is usually the ideal option as you will be sure to have a server with a high uptime and make it incredibly trustworthy for your business and visitors.