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How to Change PHP versions on cPanel

Last modified: June 28, 2022
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PHP Versions & Server Types

On our WordPress servers running cPanel, we install the most recent PHP versions. The more recent PHP versions might need to be manually installed if you have a VPS or dedicated server. Please do not hesitate to contact our Technical Support staff at any time if you require assistance.

Changing the PHP version

**Note: Before you change PHP version of your website make sure that your web application/website is compatible with target PHP version.
1. Firstly, log in to cPanel -> Click on “Select PHP Version”.

2. Next, select the preferred/ required PHP version.

3. Lastly, click on “Set as current” and then on Save to store your changes.

Changing the PHP settings

    1. Firstly, login to cPanel.
    2. Then, click on Select PHP Version under SOFTWARE section in the home screen.Note that some servers may not support this feature.
    3. Next, select which extensions you want to enable for the current PHP version, the selections are saved automatically.
    4. To modify settings for current PHP version:
      • Click Options at the top of the page.
      • Click the value next to the setting that you want to change.
      • You can choose from a list box or you can type the value into the text box, depending on the setting.
      • Changes will be saved automatically.
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