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How to NSLookup (Windows)

Last modified: July 2, 2022
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How to NSLookup (Windows)

nslookup” is the command-line programme for doing a DNS query in Windows.

Open a command prompt on a Windows PC to run a DNS query. The simplest method is to go to Start -> Run, type “cmd” and then click “OK”.

This is applicable to all modern Windows versions.

‘nslookup’ is the command to use.

Enter the URL or IP address of the site you want to visit. For example, to lookup to www.wesbytes.com then you would type ‘nslookup www.wesbytes.com’ and then press enter.

Here’s how to copy data from the command prompt window in a somewhat different way than most other Windows interfaces:

  1. To use the context menu, right-click in the window.
  2. Mark the area of the window you want to duplicate with the “Mark” option. 
  3. To copy the selection to your clipboard, press “Enter”.
  4. Copy the selected text and paste it somewhere else, like an email or a document.
  5. When you’re done, type ‘exit’ and hit Enter to dismiss the command-line window.

A manual DNS query might assist us in confirming that your computer’s name resolution system is operational. Identifying how the client computer handles the first vital step of translating a DNS name into an IP address, whether the issue is reaching all resources or select resources, is critical. It can aid in the diagnosis of the issue.

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