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How to Rename a table in phpMyAdmin

Last modified: July 2, 2022
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It’s very easy to rename a table in phpMyAdmin. To do so, simply follow these steps:

  1. Firstly, log in to cPanel.
  2. From the Databases section, click on the phpMyAdmin icon.
  3. In the narrow left column, select the database containing the table you wish to rename. The screen will refresh with all of the tables found in that database.
  4. Then, click on the table you wish to rename; the screen will refresh with the selected tables’ information.
  5. After that, click on the Operations tab found on the top right; the screen will refresh again.
  6. In the Table options group, type a new name for the table in the Rename table to field.
  7. Lastly, click the Go button in the lower right and the table will be renamed.

Database Operations

Go to the Databases tab after opening the phpMyAdmin utility. Go to the Operations tab after choosing a database. A new page appears with a list of all the operations that can be used on a database.

Create table is the first subsection. It enables you to add a fresh table to the existing database. Type in the name of the table and the amount of fields. After that, click Go to begin building the new table.

The second section is Rename database to. Renaming a database cannot be performed directly through the phpMyAdmin area due to lack of privileges for the user. If you want to rename the database, you should create a new MySQL databaseexport the database tables and import them in the new one. Then you should delete the old database.

The same is the case with the Copy database to section. The difference with the above one is that you should not delete the source database.

The last section allows you to change the database Collation. Pick the preferred one from the drop-down menu and confirm the modification by clicking on Go.

Database Table Operations

Pick the relevant table in phpMyAdmin and select the Operations tab to carry out the corresponding operations on a database table.

You can relocate a table with a new name under the current database or to a different database using the Move table to section.

You can rename the table, add comments, alter the storage engine, and change the collation in the Table settings area.

You can duplicate the table in another database or copy it with a new name under the current database by using the Copy table to section.

You can choose from a variety of settings in the Table Maintenance area to assist you maintain your database table:

  • Analyze table – analyses and stores the key distribution for the table. Then the MySQL server uses the stored key distribution for JOIN operations and for decisions which index to be used in a table query;
  • Check table – checks the table and the views associated with it for errors and problems;
  • Repair table – repairs a possibly corrupted table;
  • Optimize table – the action should be performed when you delete or modify many records from the table. It will reclaim the used space, defragment the data file removing the overhead and sort the indexes. 
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