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How to Set Email Forwarding in cPanel

Last modified: June 28, 2022
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Type of email forwarders in cPanel

Account Forwarders: Forwards incoming messages for one email account to another email account. Multiple forwarders can be created to forward messages from one account to multiple accounts.

Domain Forwarders: Email forwarding that redirect all incoming messages from one domain to another domain.

How to Add Email Forwarding in cPanel

  1. Firstly, log into your cPanel and go to Email > Forwarders.

2. Next, click on Add Forwarder to produce a new forwarding rule.

3. Lastly, complete the fields and when prepared click on Add Forwarder.

How to Manage Email Forwarder in cPanel

    1. Firstly, login to cPanel.
    2. Next, click forwarders under Email section in the home scree.
    3. Lastly, locate the forwarder you want to delete and click Delete.
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