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How to Setup an Autoresponder in cPanel

Last modified: June 28, 2022
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What is an Autoresponder?

For a specific email account, the autoresponder tool in cPanel enables you to automatically send response email messages. Customers can utilise this function to be informed that you have received their email and will respond to them as soon as you are available again.

How to create an autoresponder in cPanel

  1. Firstly, login to cPanel.
  2. Secondly, click on Auto Responders under Mail section.
  3. Click Add Auto Responder.
  4. Next, fill in the fields to complete.
    • Character Set: Select a character set for the email. **Standard Character set: UTF-8
  • Interval: Specify how many hours to wait before autoresponding to the same email address.
  • Email: The email address that you are setting up the autoresponder for.
  • From: The name that the auto-response will be from. The same address as the Email field is recommended.
  • Subject: Subject you want the Auto Responder to contain.
  • HTML Checkbox: Check if you want to have HTML in the “Body” of your email.
  • Body: Provide your Autoresponder message here.
  1. Then, select a Start and Stop time.
  2. Lastly, click the Create/Modify button to save your Autoresponder.

How to remove an autoresponder in cPanel

    1. Firstly, go to cPanel > Autoresponders under Current Auto Responders section.
    2. Next, click Delete next to the Auto Responder that you want to remove.
    3. Lastly, confirm again and then click Delete Autoresponder.
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