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How to View Email Reports in SmarterMail

Last modified: July 2, 2022
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This post will show you how to use SmarterMail to view email reports.

Note: You must be logged into your SmarterMail account to follow this guide.

Let’s get started if you’re ready.

  1. Firstly, if the report icon is not visible, use the down arrow button to scroll down in the left navigation toolbar.
  2. Then, in the toolbar, select the Reports icon.
  3. You may view a variety of report data on the Reports page, including the number of messages sent and received, SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) use, and problems.
  4. The message is clear and the amount of arriving and outgoing messages is quickly displayed in traffic. To see the report, go to the Message Traffic report page. The chart for incoming messages with dates and volume can be found here.
  5. Now go to the Message Data report link and click it. Actually, by selecting a starting From and ending To date, you can construct reports using date ranges. The chart for data delivered with dates and volume can be viewed.
  6. Then, on the SMTP Out Usage report link, click. We can now see a graph of receiving messages, complete with dates and volume. Aside from that, we may see a graph of outbound bandwidth utilisation together with dates and volume.
  7. Reports for spam and virus detection are also available.
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