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Prevent Spamming in WordPress’s Comments

Last modified: July 2, 2022
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Nowadays, comment spam was always happen on the internet. Seeing those new comments appear on your site might be thrilling. When you observe incorrect responses to your content, though, that excitement quickly fades. These responses are also referred to as “spam”. It is defined by the dictionary as inappropriate or unnecessary messages transmitted through the Internet to a large number of users.

If you allow comments on your site, you will almost certainly have to deal with spammers. You’ll need to discover a technique to stop comment spam if you don’t want your site to make a bad first impression.

Instructions of Prevent Spam in WordPress Comments

1. Disable the Comments option in both “Pages” and “Posts”.
Go to –> Pages –> All Pages –> Tick All Pages –> Drop down the “bulk option” –> Choose “Edit” –> Click Apply. –> Go to Comments option –> Drop down and choose “Do Not Allow” and Click Update.
Repeat the same option for “Post”.
2. Install plugin called “No Page Comment” and/or “Akismet“.
For details on how to use, you may refer from the 3rd party Guide as provided by the software provider.
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