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Transfer Authorization Code and EPP Code

Last modified: July 2, 2022
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Transfer Authorization Code and EPP Code

If you want to transfer your domain name to us, please follow the steps below.
  1. Firstly, please unlock the domain name.
  2. Please double-check that you have access to the administrative email address.
  3. If it isn’t already, the admin contact email should be changed to one that is active. The domain transfer authorization email will be sent to the new admin contact, and the user will be required to respond to an email for activation.
  4. Then, for your domain name that you want to transfer to us, please supply us with the Domain EPP Code. The current Domain Name’s Registrar that can provide it to the user.

Authorization Code and EPP Code. What are they?

Transfer Authorization Code

What is a Transfer Authorization Code, and what does it mean? EPP Code and Transfer Authorization Code are both needed authorization codes (a.k.a. When moving domains from one registrar to another, auth code or EPP key). The transfer Authorization Code is created when the domain is first registered and can be obtained from the Registrar of your current domain name.

What is EPP Code?

EPP code (also known as Transfer Secret or Authentication Code) is a password-like code that is used to enable the transfer of a domain name from one person to another. Please provide us with an EPP Code so that we can transfer your domain name to us.

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