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What is SiteLock?

Last modified: July 2, 2022
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What is SiteLock?

A cloud-based security product is called SiteLock. It checks your website for malware and security holes. SiteLock not only finds threats but also resolves issues with security dangers you may run into online.

You may find the following information about SiteLock to be interesting:


SiteLock checks your website for vulnerabilities including cross-site scripting and SQL injection problems. It submits forms and publishes comments to assist you in identifying the weaknesses that intruders exploit. If a threat is discovered, you will be immediately notified via email of the precise location.

Which SiteLock package to choose?

You can choose the package based on your needs. Casbay offers three different SiteLock packages which are SiteLock Find, SiteLock Find & Fix, and SiteLock Find, Fix & Prevent.

  • SiteLock Find performs a daily scan across your website and alerts you anytime when a threat is found.
  • SiteLock Fix includes the same features as Find, but also fixes threats and vulnerabilities.

Sign up SiteLock from control panel

You can sign up for SiteLock directly from the control panel of your domain. Access your SiteLock dashboard to set up your domain. From now onwards, SiteLock will start to scan and monitor your site. 

Create trust with SiteLock seal

SiteLock subscription provides a security badge that you can place on your website. This way your visitors can see that your site is secure. As a webshop owner, the seal is an excellent way to gain trust from your potential customers. 

For Your Reference

These are the services that SiteLock Essential provides (from its website):

  • Automated Malware Detection
  • Scan for unlimited web pages
  • Google Blacklist Monitoring
  • Automated Malware Removal
  • File-Level Scanning
  • XSS Scripting Protection
  • SQL Injection Protection
  • Plugin/Web App Scanning
  • Weekly Scan Report
  • 12 hr Ticket Response Time
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