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4 Security Best Practices for Your Dedicated Server

Cloud Security

There is always a threat that can compromise the security of your website, regardless of which web server you pick. Although, because just one website is housed on a single server, the risks of security and data breaches are reduced if you’ve chosen Dedicated Server as your website’s hosting server. However, it is critical that you update your security to ensure that the data on your website is not compromised.

Here are four best methods for enhancing the security of your dedicated server:

1. Regularly back up your data.

The security of your website data is critical, especially if you’re a company website that deals with customers. In the event that your website is subjected to a cyber assault, you may lose your website’s data; in this case, a backup would be beneficial. Regular backups can help ensure that your website is not harmed by extended downtime and that it can be restored quickly.

2. An SSL certificate should be installed.

Installing an SSL certificate helps protect your website’s communication channel, even if it is the only website running on your Dedicated Server. Furthermore, an SSL certificate lends credibility to your website by assuring your consumers that their information is secure.

If your web hosting package does not include an SSL certificate, you can purchase one for a little fee. When your website is SSL certified, it is instantly secured using HTTPS, which helps it rank higher in Google search results.

3. Update software on a regular basis.

You have complete root access to your server and resources, including all plugins and software installed on your server, with a Dedicated Server. Regardless of the amount of tools you have installed, make sure to update them all on a regular basis. Software products that haven’t been updated in a long time can pose a security risk and raise the likelihood of a data breach. Furthermore, if the vendor hasn’t updated the programme in a long time, it may be time to consider a replacement.

4. Log in to secure networks.

Logging into your Dedicated Server exclusively over trustworthy networks is a simple and practical way to ensure its security. This network could be a LAN connection or your home/office WiFi. Another option to add a layer of protection is to require that anyone outside your trusted network connect to your company’s VPN before logging in. Using trustworthy networks to log in reduces the danger of a data or security breach, which could leave your login page susceptible.

Boost your server's performance and establish confidence.

Even if you have the appropriate security measures in place to secure your Dedicated Server, you could still be the victim of a cyberattack. It’s critical that your web hosting company is reliable at times like these. To safeguard your website’s server, a reliable web hosting service offers an extra layer of security to your Dedicated Server.