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How the Cloud Can Help Your Business Be More Sustainable?


Businesses IT-related carbon footprint grows as they become more reliant on technology. This accounts for 4% of worldwide electricity consumption and 1.4 percent of global carbon emissions today. This trend is expected to continue, with forecasts that emissions will increase ten-fold to 14% in the next twenty years as more people use computers.

Businesses can lessen their environmental effect by using cloud services. One of the main reasons is that cloud vendors, in comparison to in-house data centres, invest considerably in solutions that allow them manage and continuously optimise energy usage. Even before sustainability became such a focus, economic considerations drove advancements in energy efficiency in power conditioning, cooling, and lighting, as a result of operating on such a huge scale and with significant energy expenditures.

Furthermore, the cloud’s economies of scale allow vendors to operate more efficiently. Indeed, certain cloud datacenters can be over three times more efficient than on-premise datacenters, emitting nearly 90 percent fewer carbon emissions. This can be accomplished by using more efficient technology, such as SSD drives, and using dynamic provisioning, which matches server capacity to real-time demand to reduce overprovisioning and energy waste. At the same time, a cloud provider can make greater use of servers, requiring fewer.

ISO 14001 outlines how we select energy-efficient infrastructure for power, cooling, and lighting, as well as how we effectively monitor and maintain that infrastructure. ISO 50001, on the other hand, is a standard that requires us to develop, implement, maintain, and enhance our energy management systems throughout time. This means that we continue to increase energy efficiency and consumption, for example, by implementing innovative cold aisle confined data centre cooling systems and LED lighting.

Other ecologically focused accreditations we have earned include ESOS, SECR, and REGO. The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS), the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) laws, and REGO certification (Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin) demonstrate our commitment to obtaining green energy for our activities.