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Configure Your Desktop Email Client

Last modified: July 2, 2022
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Configure Your Desktop Email Client to Send and Receive Email:

Good day! You’ve found the proper location if you want to make your desktop mail client software your default email client!

However, Desktop Email Client can be configured on a variety of email clients, including Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, etc.

To put it another way, the mail clients listed below include instructions on how to configure your mail account for each one.

You’re still having trouble setting up your desktop email client to send and receive an email, right? Please reach out to our Support Team.


You check your emails using a programme called a mail client. The mail client might be desktop software like Microsoft Outlook or Express or it can be web-based.

Why do you need to configure the mail client?

Do you Know? Any account you set up through cPanel can be configured to receive emails through your mail client. You can set cPanel to automatically configure Microsoft Outlook, for instance, if you use the programme and wish to set it up to receive and send emails from a cPanel-created account.

You would need to know precise details in order to setup the account when configuring email on any mail client. The most fundamental details you should be aware of are as follows:

  • Username
  • Password
  • Mail server name

After that, you can then configure your email user further by setting it up as an IMAP or POP address and enabling secure ports.

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